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3 Fundamentals of Car Service Technicians that Newbies Must Know

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Vehicles need proper maintenance to last many years without requiring costly replacement of parts. Some repair works can be done by an average DIYer, but complex repairs should be left to a technician. Professionals can conduct onsite repairs for cars that have broken down. Newbies who plan to become service mechanics should read this article to find out the basics of this rewarding profession.

The Tools -- Major repair works on car might call for you to take the engine apart in order to troubleshoot a mechanical problem. Standard tools including spanners, pliers, and screwdrivers are a must-have in the technician's toolkit. Additionally, you have to invest in specialized equipment that diagnoses specific components like pneumatic power equipment. Further, it is prudent to have equipment such as voltmeters, compression gauges, and ammeters, which test the performance of the vehicle accessories such as floor wiring. Most importantly, no repaire work can proceed without tools.

Common Repairs -- Cars are susceptible to issues like flat tires, malfunctioning wheel bearings, damage to the suspension, and brake operation problems among others because of too much weight and harsh terrain. If you want to become an expert service mechanic, you need to perform quick diagnostics to identify common car problems and subsequently identify a range of solutions to fix the issues. For example, suspension fasteners might loosen over time, causing a misalignment of axles. Faulty suspensions are responsible for handling problems and extreme deterioration of tires. Tightening the suspension bolts and nuts according to the manufacturer's manual eliminates the recurring issue.

Replacing Parts -- Filters suffer wear and tear and might require replacement. Coolant, fuel, oil, and air filters are critical for the proper functioning of a motor-home engine. Oil filters are responsible for keeping the engine running by preventing dirt and debris from damaging the engine. Similarly, fuel filters block the buildup of condensation in fuel injectors, which may lead to engine failure. Coolant and air filters ensure that coolant and air, respectively, flow freely in the engine. Glow plugs are vital in heating engine cylinders to enable easy ignition. During winter months, the plugs are used excessively, and when summer approaches, they might need to be replaced. Moreover, engine gaskets may take a beating over time because of high temperatures in the engine cylinder. Therefore, service mechanics should have filters, plugs, and gaskets replacement on standby, especially when going out in the field for car repairs.
